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br As outlined in in
As outlined in in October, 2016, my vision for WHO can be summed up in five words: equity, rights, responsiveness, evidence, and partnership. In this ceramide context, I am pleased to respond to the authors of the open letter in , on the leadership role that WHO must play in tackling the high pric
El texto de Paz nos permite contemplar el estado
El texto de Paz nos permite contemplar el estado como una experiencia poética y una experiencia vital. Esto se debe en gran parte al énfasis que se pone en el cuerpo p-Cresyl sulfate lo largo de , y más propiamente en el cuerpo que avanza en el sendero de Galta. La caminata física y la creación poét
br Case report In July a year old man
Case report In July 2010, a 64-year-old man visited the outpatient clinic of National Taiwan University Hospital due to progressive enlargement of right submandibular mass for months. A nasopharyngeal tumor was found by fiber optic exam, and biopsy showed a non-keratinizing undifferentiated carci
br Acknowledgments The authors would like to
Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Sarah Mack for technical assistance with the histology and IHC. We would also like to acknowledge Dr. Gregory Dieudonne in the Department of Musculoskeletal Radiology, University of Rochester Medical Center for advice and assistance in manuscript wr
En el Estudio preliminar el lector encontrar un magn
En el “Estudio preliminar”, el lector encontrará un magnífico marco de referencia para ubicar con precisión la obra. Contra una vieja mala costumbre de la crítica mexicañista más convencional de repetir una y otra vez los juicios críticos de los grandes maestros, Belem Clark de Lara teje una trama m
br Los dos libros que a
Los dos libros que nobiletin continuación se reseñan solo en parte coinciden en su objeto de estudio y el método de tratarlo. El libro de Hugo J. Verani ofrece una minuciosa interpretación de la poética de Octavio Paz, especialmente de la que domina en sus poemas extensos. También Evodio Escalante
In this issue of Mark Nicol and colleagues report
In this issue of , Mark Nicol and colleagues report the diagnostic accuracy of two commercially available rapid urine tests to identify active tuberculosis in children. Lipoarabinomannan is a unique component of the mycobacterial guanylate cyclase that is excreted in the urine of some patients wit
Por su parte Juan Carlos
Por su parte, Juan Carlos Grijalva titula su artículo “A caballo, por la ruta de los libertadores: el legado mesiánico y elitista de José Vasconcelos en Ecuador”. Grijalva explica que el ensayista mexicano llegó norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor Ecuador el 17 de junio de 1930 procedente de Colombia,
Al mismo tiempo que el joven
Al mismo tiempo que el joven no cree en la matanza, actualiza antiguos estereotipos reforzados por imágenes que construyen el imaginario social. ¿Qué otra cosa hace Altunaga, sino problematizar la axiología revolucionaria del fin del racismo cuando pone en boca del barrendero la siguiente reflexión?
Cuando Gonzalo Pizarro se alz
Cuando Gonzalo Pizarro se alzó en el Perú, nunca mostró intenciones de romper los vínculos que lo unían EMD638683 su rey, por mucho que su plan fuese establecer una monarquía, autónoma de la castellana, que gobernaría el territorio. En las misivas que envió al monarca, Pizarro confirmaba su obedienc
For most health care professionals infectious disease modell
For most health-care professionals, infectious-disease modelling is something of a black box. One can see the input assumptions (ie, what goes in) and the outputs (ie, what comes out), but what happens in between seems close to magic. Given their complexity, to understand any one of the models used
However the colonoscopy procedure carries risks of
However, the colonoscopy procedure carries risks of perforation and bleeding. Discomfort related to colonoscopy, such as abdominal pain and a sensation of fullness, is frequently experienced by patients during this order W 54011 procedure. Anxiety arising from this discomfort is inevitable for most
Some studies report that cell cycle
Some studies report that GSK-3 Inhibitor IX arrest can activate apoptotic cell death [51], while other studies show that the non-mitotic effects of microtubule-targeting agents play prominent roles in inducing apoptosis in cancer cells [12], [27], [40]. Abolishment of ROS-mediated p38 MAPK activati
br Conflict of interest br
Conflict of interest Acknowledgments This research was supported by the Grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31270820 and No. 81230061 to Wei-Dong Han, No. 81402567 to Ya-jing Zhang) and was partially supported by a Grant from the National Basic Science and Develop
calcium calmodulin dependent protein kinase br Mechanisms of
Mechanisms of arrhythmias Several schemes have been used to classify the mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmias. Traditionally, these have been divided into nonreentrant and reentrant activity [11]. An alternative scheme divided them into those occurring at the cellular and tissue levels [12]. A dynam
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